Hospice Care
Holy Savior Hospice pledges to provide the highest quality hospice service in the cities and surrounding areas of Corpus Christi-Kingsville, San Antonio-New Braunfels and Dallas-Fort Worth.
When you choose hospice care, the focus becomes the promotion of living as fully and as comfortably as possible. We work to make patients feel supported and comfortable. We give them the ability to experience an enhanced quality of life surrounded by those they love.
What is Hospice?
Hospice is an appropriate course of care for terminally ill patients in the last six months of their lives, at a time when curative treatments are no longer an option.
Hospice caregivers help patients manage their illness and remain as comfortable as possible in their own environment. When you choose hospice care, the focus becomes the promotion of living as fully and as comfortably as possible. We also help address common worries, such as loss of independence, and look after the well-being of the family.
Hospice also helps ease the burden of families caring for patients during this time. We also provide caregiver relief through respite care. This includes utilizing respite, volunteer availability, support groups, one on one counseling, educational teaching on techniques for Alzheimer's and dementia, advanced directive planning, and more...
Hospice addresses and supports medical, physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We use a team approach utilizing doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains and volunteers who work together to make sure patients maintain dignity, symptom management and control of their care.
Patients are eligible for care whether they are at home, in assisted living facilities, a group home or a nursing home.
We bring Hospice to you
Our team makes regular bedside visits, wherever a patient calls home — a family residence, a long-term care facility, or a hospice unit. Our care teams are on-duty 24 hours a day/seven days a week.

Services Provided by Hospice
- Hospice Doctor Visits
- Nursing Visits
- Certified Nursing Assistant Visits
- Social Worker and Pastoral Visits
- Volunteer Visits
- Medical Equipment
- Supplies
- Drug & Pain Management
- Physical Therapy
- Short-term inpatient care
- Short-term respite care
We offer daily Hospice Aide Services based on you or your loved one's personalized plan of care, in hopes of reducing caregiver burnout allowing for quality time spent with their loved one.
Selecting a Hospice that’s right for you
There are many Medicare certified hospice agencies in Texas. It is important to find out about the quality of care that each hospice offers. We suggest you interview a few agencies to make an informed decision.
Savior Hospice will meet patient wherever they are. Most hospice care occurs at home because that is usually where patients prefer to live. Hospice care can also come to people who live in extended care facilities, such as assisted living centers or nursing homes. Patients who need advanced 24-hour care and symptom management may be eligible for short-term inpatient care.
All Medicare hospice agencies follow the same guidelines and are reimbursed in the same way, so they do not compete on cost. It is the quality of service that differentiates one hospice from another.
The true difference is in the:
- Quality of patient care & family support
- Frequency of visits
- Speed of response to referrals and start of care
- Skill, experience, and talent of each discipline
- Responsiveness to urgent needs
- Ability to effectively manage symptoms and pain
- Surpassing the minimum requirements of service
- Customization of care plans to meet the patient's unique needs
Is it time for hospice? Learn More
You can discuss your thoughts with one of our representatives and/or your physician.
Start by gathering a list of local hospice agencies in your area and request a meeting or telephone call with each to get a sense of the agency. Discuss your goals and expectations to make sure you find a good fit for your needs.
Medicare reimburses all Hospice providers at a daily rate based on regional location; for-profit and not-for-profit has no distinction. The primary differences often lie in corporate structure and tax responsibilities.
Is the Medicare Hospice Benefit right for you?
The Medicare Hospice Benefit
The Hospice Benefit is provided under Part A of Medicare. Under this benefit, Medicare covers all items related to the terminal illness. There is a common misconception that hospice is only for the final stages of life but in fact many patients wish they would have called hospice sooner than they did. The Medicare Hospice benefit recognizes that certain aspects of the disease process are unique to the individual and allows or unlimited benefit periods as long as the patient continues to meet Medicare eligibility guidelines.
Is it time for hospice?
Hospice helps improve the quality of life at the end of life, but more than that hospice care gives patients the gift of time. During this time, hospice can help patients feel comfortable while they come to terms with their diagnosis, spend time reminiscing, say their goodbyes, and get their affairs in order. Hospice care also relieves caregivers and families of the stress and challenges that arise with a terminal illness.
Our Hospice Team
Care is provided using an Interdisciplinary Care Team (IDT) approach, with our staff of over 70 professionals who are highly experienced in comforting and alleviating the physical and emotional pain of someone facing end-of-life.
“We support our entire team to ensure that your loved one is getting the appropriate care and most effective treatment.”
- We are hospice & palliative care certified
- We are responsible for the medical management of your care, including pain control and symptom management
- We are happy to coordinate care with your primary care physician or specialists to address your needs
- We are available 24/7
“We are responsible for the wholistic view of how your loved one is feeling.”
- We are specially trained in pain and symptom management
- We work to identify patient care needs, arrange for services, supplies and medications
- We are available to make visits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- We report to the Medical Director
- We discuss options for improvements for your loved one’s quality of life with your family
“We are friends who help our patients feel like their best self!”
- We provide loving, daily non-medical care and companionship
- Our goal is maintaining our patients’ dignity and personal hygiene while providing much needed emotional support
- We give full showers and baths
- We can wash and dry hair
- We can even file and paint nails, give a nice shave, change sheets, and tidy up
“Paperwork and logistics can very overwhelming for a family, but we help take care of this for you."
- We help with logistics to help remove stress from the family
- We help patients and loved ones by identifying community resources, assisting with final arrangements and providing emotional and psychological support
- We can help find benefits for your loved one
This includes but is not limited to:
- Benefits – For what benefits does your loved one qualify?
- Advanced Directives – Does your loved one have an end of life plan? What do or do you not want in an emergency?
- Counseling – Entering hospice care is not easy. We help talk through difficult realities.
- Funeral Planning – How should we make funeral arrangements?
- Power of Attorney – We help you navigate and process paperwork.
- Referrals – We coordinate with other agencies for additional support. (e.g. mobile dentistry, Meals on Wheels)
“We know the health of the soul is just as important as the health of the body.”
- We are nondenominational chaplains
- We provide support for patients and their loves ones in a manner that respects and honors the patient’s wishes, religious or spiritual traditions and cultural rituals
- We help bring your heart peace amidst the struggle
- Wee can pray with you, offer emotional support, and offer bereavement support
- We are here to support you wherever you are spiritually
- We can coordinate visits with your church pastor
Savior Hospice offers bereavement support for up to 13 months after the loss of a loved one. We are there for you for the first of everything: the first Christmas, the first birthday, the first anniversary of your loss. Learn more about our bereavement support
“I bring an extra level of support, companionship, and caring into your home.”
- I am available to assist patients and their loved ones with things like errands, companionship and brief respite periods
- I enjoy sharing memories with patients and their families, playing cards and boardgames, and helping with meals
“We help your family adjust, grieve, and heal.”
- We offer support to grieving families and loved ones through mailings, one-on-one counseling and group meetings
- Our services are available to the community at no charge
Paying for Hospice Care
Hospice services are 100% covered by Medicare. Discover the Medicare Hospice Benefit and other insurance/payment options for hospice.

Holy Savior Hospice pledges to provide the highest quality hospice service in the cities and surrounding areas of Corpus Christi-Kingsville, San Antonio-New Braunfels and Dallas-Fort Worth.
When you choose hospice care, the focus becomes the promotion of living as fully and as comfortably as possible. We work to make patients feel supported and comfortable. We give them the ability to experience an enhanced quality of life surrounded by those they love.
What is Hospice?
Hospice is an appropriate course of care for terminally ill patients in the last six months of their lives, at a time when curative treatments are no longer an option.
Hospice caregivers help patients manage their illness and remain as comfortable as possible in their own environment. When you choose hospice care, the focus becomes the promotion of living as fully and as comfortably as possible. We also help address common worries, such as loss of independence, and look after the well-being of the family.
Hospice also helps ease the burden of families caring for patients during this time.
Hospice addresses and supports medical, physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We use a team approach utilizing doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains and volunteers who work together to make sure patients maintain dignity, symptom management and control of their care.
Patients are eligible for care whether they are at home, in assisted living facilities, a group home or a nursing home.
Services Provided by Hospice
- Hospice Doctor Visits
- Nursing Visits
- Social Worker and Pastoral Visits
- Volunteer Visits
- Medical Equipment
- Supplies
- Drug & Pain Management
- Physical Therapy
- Short-term inpatient care
- Short-term respite care
We offer daily Hospice Aide Services based on you or your loved one's personalized plan of care, in hopes of reducing caregiver burnout allowing for quality time spent with their loved one.
We bring Hospice to you
Our team makes regular visits at the bedside, wherever a patient calls home — a family residence, a long-term care facility, or a hospice unit — and we are on-duty 24 hours a day/seven days a week.
Is it time for hospice?
Hospice helps improve the quality of life at the end of life, but more than that hospice care gives patients the gift of time. During this time, hospice can help patients feel comfortable while they come to terms with their diagnosis, spend time reminiscing, say their goodbyes, and get their affairs in order. Hospice care also relieves caregivers and families of the stress and challenges that arise with a terminal illness.
Selecting a Hospice that’s right for you
There are many Medicare certified hospice agencies in the Phoenix-metropolitan area. It is important to find out about the quality of care that each hospice offers. We suggest you interview a few agencies to make an informed decision.
Savior Hospice will meet patient wherever they are. Most hospice care occurs at home because that is usually where patients prefer to live. Hospice care can also come to people who live in extended care facilities, such as assisted living centers or nursing homes. Patients who need advanced 24-hour care and symptom management may be eligible for short-term inpatient care.
All Medicare hospice agencies follow the same regulations; differences typically lie in the quality of care each agency provides.
Is it time for hospice? Learn More
You can discuss your thoughts with one of our representatives and/or your physician.
Start by gathering a list of local hospice agencies in your area and request a meeting or telephone call with each to get a sense of the agency. Discuss your goals and expectations to make sure you find a good fit for your needs.
Medicare reimburses all Hospice providers at a daily rate based on regional location; for-profit and not-for-profit has no distinction. The primary differences often lie in corporate structure and tax responsibilities.
All hospice organizations are reimbursed in the same way, so they do not compete on cost. It is the quality of service that differentiates one hospice from another.
Consider these questions when choosing a hospice:
- Does the hospice provider have the resources and facilities to provide the most appropriate level of care?
- Does the hospice employ full-time physicians who can dedicate all their time to caring for hospice patients and families?
- Does the hospice team have systems in place to be responsive in your time of need?
Our Hospice Team
Care is provided using an Interdisciplinary Care Team (IDT) approach, with staff who are highly experienced in comforting and alleviating the physical and emotional pain of someone facing end-of-life.
“I support our entire team to ensure that your loved one is getting the appropriate care and most effective treatment.”
- I am hospice & palliative care certified
- I am responsible for the medical management of your care, including pain control and symptom management
- I'm happy to coordinate care with your primary care physician or specialists to address your needs
- I am available 24/7
“I am responsible for the wholistic view of how your loved one is feeling.”
- I am specially trained in pain and symptom management
- I work to identify patient care needs, arrange for services, supplies and medications
- I am available to make visits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- I report to the Medical Director
- I discuss options for improvements for your loved one’s quality of life with your family
“I am a friend who helps my patients feel like their best self!”
- I provide loving, daily non-medical care and companionship
- My goal is maintaining our patients’ dignity and personal hygiene while providing much needed emotional support
- I give full showers and baths
- I can wash and dry hair
- I can even file and paint nails, give a nice shave, change sheets, and tidy up
“Paperwork and logistics can very overwhelming for a family, but I help take care of this for you."
- I help with logistics to help remove stress from the family
- I help patients and loved ones by identifying community resources, assisting with final arrangements and providing emotional and psychological support
- I can help find benefits for your loved one
This includes but is not limited to:
- Benefits – For what benefits does your loved one qualify?
- Advanced Directives – Does your loved one have an end of life plan? What do or do you not want in an emergency?
- Counseling – Entering hospice care is not easy. We help talk through difficult realities.
- Funeral Planning – How should we make funeral arrangements?
- Power of Attorney – We help you navigate and process paperwork.
- Referrals – We coordinate with other agencies for additional support. (e.g. mobile dentistry, Meals on Wheels)
“I know the health of the soul is just as important as the health of the body.”
- I am a nondenominational chaplain
- I provide support for patients and their loves ones in a manner that respects and honors the patient’s wishes, religious or spiritual traditions and cultural rituals
- I help bring your heart peace amidst the struggle
- I can pray with you, offer emotional support, and offer bereavement support
- I am here to support you wherever you are spiritually
- I can coordinate visits with your church pastor
Savior Hospice offers bereavement support for up to 13 months after the loss of a loved one. We are there for you for the first of everything: the first Christmas, the first birthday, the first anniversary of your loss. Learn more about our bereavement support
“I bring an extra level of support, companionship, and caring into your home.”
- I am available to assist patients and their loved ones with things like errands, companionship and brief respite periods
- I enjoy sharing memories with patients and their families, playing cards and boardgames, and helping with meals
“I help your family adjust, grieve, and heal.”
- I offer support to grieving families and loved ones through mailings, one-on-one counseling and group meetings
- My services are available to the community at no charge
Paying for Hospice Care
Hospice services are 100% covered by Medicare. Discover the Medicare Hospice Benefit and other insurance/payment options for hospice.
Is the Medicare Hospice Benefit right for you?
The Medicare Hospice Benefit
The Hospice Benefit is provided under Part A of Medicare. Under this benefit, Medicare covers all items related to the terminal illness. There is a common misconception that hospice is only for the final stages of life but in fact many patients wish they would have called hospice sooner than they did. The Medicare Hospice benefit recognizes that certain aspects of the disease process are unique to the individual and allows or unlimited benefit periods as long as the patient continues to meet Medicare eligibility guidelines.
Bereavement Services
Did you know Savior Hospice offers bereavement support for up to 13 months after the loss of a loved one? We are there for you for the first of everything: the first Christmas, the first birthday, the first anniversary of your loss.